June 17, 2020
How HBM works and helps header bidding fill rate grow?
A lot of publishers and yield optimization teams know in general about header bidding ad technology but do not obtain…
November 24, 2022
TCF v2 support with Google Ad Manager integration
Lately we’ve been receiving notifications from publishers that they started experiencing issues when prebid framework implemented in combination with…
September 26, 2022
Google Ad Manager. Cross-platform analytics available
Getting know how site earn with Google Ad Manager. Cross-platform analytics available on one screen in HeadBidder UI. With…
September 22, 2022
Xandr stops Prebid Server, HeadBidder runs it
Xandr stops Prebid Server. So, some time ago Xandr decided to close access to it’s hosted and free of…
September 6, 2022
Prebid Version Switch button released
These days we implemented Prebid version switch button.Now you can select the current up-to-date version or one of the previous…
August 25, 2022
What tech solution to use for a network of sites
Header bidding, waterfall tech or both. When someone starts building or operating an adnetwork of websites the question…
August 10, 2022
Google shifts deadline for Cookieless world
Google shifts deadline for Cookieless world. The deadline for opting out of third-party cookies has been postponed by Google again.
August 3, 2022
What’s new in 7.0 version of Prebid
Prebid has released it’s new version . Let’s see what’s new in 7.0 version of Prebid. Firstly, it contains…
July 26, 2022
Schain support feature release
From the news: this week we improved SCHAIN support feature.It is available in 2 modes now: Simplified and Expert [Advanced]…