Header Bidding Video

Header Bidding Video
HeadBidder.net built the wrapper that is running the video header bidding, selecting the auction winner, and passing the bid responses to the video ad server and your player than.
Header Bidding Video

That's obvious, video header bidding setup is a complex task due to the many different video players publishers use. While serving video advertisement the wrapper should take care not only about auction mechanic but also about putting all parts together: publishers' ad server, VAST cache server, video player integration, passing the winning bid over this way as well as keeping statistical records. HeadBidder.net does that via integration with GAM and Prebid Server in a single easy-to-use UI.

It often comes that video player and banner ad spots put on the same web page, that's usual and normal. HeadBidder wrapper makes a distinction between that advertisement flows and, while creating orders in GAM ad server via API, creates different Line Items for banner and video ads. It allows serving ads using single wrapper as well as making price granularity setup properly in terms of ad types.

Header Bidding Video example

Steps to Implement Header Bidding for Video:

  • Create video ad units in the GAM ad server
  • Make sure your video player supports VAST video advertisement
  • Add the video ad units to your header bidding wrapper
  • Go to "Get Code" page and follow instructions that helping integrate the wrapper and video player. Use extra-JavaScript code which required in the page head and recommended variables to pass winning bid into the player.

No programming skills needed

Zero development work required. Necessary features are built-in in the utility: add/remove bidders, tune parameters, download and install ready-to-go JavaScript exclusively prepared for every website.


HeadBidder includes performance and setup accuracy control, uncovers issues with adapters setup. The latest version of prebid.js and newly added prebid partners are immediately available for setup and management in the console. Latency decreased.


HeadBidder Wrapper is stand-alone and independent from other industry players (DSPs, SSPs, analytic platforms, etc.). Еxcel data protection and privacy standards. Data and sales are under users' control.
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