Google Ad Manager. Cross-platform analytics available
Getting know how site earn with Google Ad Manager. Cross-platform analytics available on one screen in HeadBidder UI. With…
Xandr stops Prebid Server, HeadBidder runs it
Xandr stops Prebid Server. So, some time ago Xandr decided to close access to it’s hosted and free of…
What tech solution to use for a network of sites
Header bidding, waterfall tech or both. When someone starts building or operating an adnetwork of websites the question…
Google shifts deadline for Cookieless world
Google shifts deadline for Cookieless world. The deadline for opting out of third-party cookies has been postponed by Google again.
How to increase yield from a website (part 2)
How to increase yield from a website part 2 devoted to such essential parameters yield increase as clicks and click…
How to increase yield from a website (part 1)
There are 3 major and obvious blocks to work on when you think how to increase yield from a website:…
Professor Prebid – unified bidding info in one extension
Last month announced release of a new tool Professor Prebid extension. This is a diagnostic tool which helps to scan publisher…
3 simple ways to improve Core Web Vitals
Improve Core Web Vitals. Last year Google has started significant search engine update. Among other changes, when ranking websites, Google…
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