What tech solution to use for a network of sites
Header bidding, waterfall tech or both. When someone starts building or operating an adnetwork of websites the question…
How to increase yield from a website (part 2)
How to increase yield from a website part 2 devoted to such essential parameters yield increase as clicks and click…
How to increase yield from a website (part 1)
There are 3 major and obvious blocks to work on when you think how to increase yield from a website:…
Header Bidding for the WordPress. Use Case.
WordPress is the most used site and blog creation tool. Therefore, a lot of publishers require to install header…
How HBM works and helps header bidding fill rate grow?
A lot of publishers and yield optimization teams know in general about header bidding ad technology but do not obtain…
How to add a fallback tag into prebid setup
HeadBidder.net allows setting a fallback tag for tag-based partners (as standard Waterfall). You may use your Google Ad Manager…
How to unify bidders from EBDA by Google?
Header biding is a rather vast conception which different companies develop in their own way. Prebid.js, EBDA by Google,…
Prebid Floor Price option for all HeadBidder users
There’s no standard way to pass a floor price to bidders. Some bidders have appropriate parameter some bidders don’t.Revenue share…
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