A lot of publishers and yield optimization teams know in general about header bidding ad technology but do not obtain enough development skills to integrate it by themselves. As a result, they stay away from using it, but in vain. A smart approach can increase header bidding fill rate and earnings.
Headbidder is a platform with built-in tools aimed to simplify all operations and processes needed for header bidding technology setup and running on the website.
In this article, we’d like to share general provisions of how the platform works out-of-the-box, as a single organism.
The overall picture looks like this: a publisher creates an account on the platform, tunes adops parameters, generates wrapper, and puts it on the website. Then user may concentrate on content and traffic generating as all what could be automated is automated and built into Headbidder tools.
That’s it. Below is the short list of what is done for you in the Headbidder and might be used for ad optimization.
1. At first of all, user creates and manages an account on the platform. The account is proprietary and belongs only to the user/company that created it. Important, no third party player can influence or get the information on running the account. Note, for publishers with volumes up to 3mm requests per month usage is absolutely free. For larger monthly volumes, a serving fee applied. No other fees, billing is transparent.
2. The user has its own commercial relations with bidder, adapters owners (the inventory buyers). Headbidder might only assist with acquiring such relationships, doesn’t get into the sales process, and has not cut from profit.
3. Pleased with the fact, that all tools, integrations, and features in Headbidder are built-in, automated, constantly updated, and made for comfort using.
Currently, active platform users achieved up to a 35% fill rate on the header bidding channel only while serving costs decreased down to as low as 1-4% from the ad revenue.