August 10, 2022

Google shifts deadline for Cookieless world

Google shifts deadline for Cookieless world. The deadline for opting out of third-party cookies has been postponed by Google again. Company announced a new date – the second quarter of 2024. Google reported in it’s blog The Keyword. The digital community and business need more time to test and implement alternative solutions that will replace third-party cookie tracking technology.

cookieless world google

The first announcement of deprecating third-party cookies was made in January 2021. So, it stated that technology was supposed to stop working in Chrome by the end of 2022. However, later Google pushed back the deadline to 2023.

Thereby for Headbidder users it means, that they can yet use long-living and well-tested user id technologies. They still help generating more revenue. Headbidder supports the UserID module. It offers built in integrations with 3rd party User ID providers in UI.

Nothwithstanding, we constantly track new trends in digital ecosystem to be on top and deploy up-to-date features for our users.

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