April 1, 2020

HeadBidder has integrated with ID5.io

Nowadays that’s a lot of decisions accepted as well as many steps taken to protect users’ privacy online. GDPR, USP, 3rd parties’ cookies removal initiatives, are a new reality for the advertising industry. Prebid supports all these steps but at the same time, there are companies that “provide publishers and ad tech platforms with solutions that improve user recognition without compromising on privacy”, that are helping the industry to evolve. One of them and the first that has been officially tested is ID5.


ID5 is the shared identity infrastructure designed to improve user recognition in a privacy-compliant way. ID5’s solutions improve match rates between platforms and allow user identification in browsers where 3rd party cookies are blocked. ID5 enables publishers to better monetize their audiences and allows ad tech platforms to operate more efficiently and maximize the value of data and inventory.
Created in 2017 by seasoned ad tech professionals, ID5 services clients globally from offices in London and Paris. For more information about ID5 and its solutions.

HeadBidder.net and ID5.io had successfully pre-integrated and performed tests on live sites. To start using Universal ID provided by ID5 publishers only need to obtain its account with ID5, get partner ID, choose ID5 as User Sync provider in HeadBidder UI and put partner ID in place.

How to add ID5 Universal ID
Further reads
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