Headbidder Platform, new features. March 2020 release.
We are happy to announce the new HBM UI release that went live today. Major changes and improvements include: The…
Dynamic Prebid.js uses Version 3.xx.
Good news for all our pro- and enterprise customers. HeadBidder platform has launched the “dynamic prebid.js” feature…
Dynamic Prebid.js
We are happy to announce the launch of the “Dynamic Prebid” feature. This account option is intended to speed up…
Reporting timezone upcoming change
During February we plan to make a switch to the UTC time zone in our reporting and analytics system. It…
New HBM Console Design Available Today.
Today, August 15th, we’ve launched the new redesigned UI. We expect that our valued users will get a better user…
Header Bidding Manager platform stunning updates
HeadBidder.net – facilitates Header Bidding Technology adoption for website owners and yield optimizers. This month we came in with some…
Header Bidding Middleware
Focus on the core part of your business that brings you money, use HeadBidder.net for mechanic work that can be…
HeadBidder.net at DMEXCO’18
The team of the HeadBidder.net is going to present Header Bidding middleware for publishers at the DMEXCO’18 trade show.
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